Freedom comes from always knowing what people want to buy.
You and I are adventure seekers.
For me, that looks like RV-powered nomadic adventures, mountains to conquer, lakes to paddle, and rivers to enjoy.

For you, maybe it looks like exotic spas and luxury resorts. Maybe it means through-hikes on the PCT. Or maybe it just means being able to run to the grocery store in the morning or take your kids to the beach on a Tuesday without losing your job.

I'm Cheryl Woodhouse, and I've been a successful entrepreneur for 17 years.

I don't drive a supercar or live in a mansion, and I've definitely taken long-term contracts that felt more like jobs. But through it all, I've paid my bills remotely doing things I love for things I believe in for the better part of two decades.

I've been a coach, consultant, freelancer, and agency owner - among other things. My businesses have changed as I've grown, from my early years as a writer through consulting, then coaching, and more recently, my agency - but at the core, I've done it all to have autonomy and freedom.

I've had plenty of six-figure years. I've helped others have 7-figure years. I've built audiences and hosted summits, produced content and built partnerships, and along the way I learned something that no one else really talks about when they're selling courses on Facebook ads and Instagram engagement:

Profitable offers are hard.

Sure, getting 100k followers on Instagram is a challenge. Even harder to get 100k followers who might actually buy something from you.

But then finding the perfect thing to offer that audience? It is a challenge that literally kills businesses. I've watched it happen time and time again.

It puts influencers at the mercy of ad revenue and sponsors.

It puts coaches and creatives at bottom of the market rates, or worse, *hourly rates*.

It takes successful product brands, and plateaus them - before eventually sinking them. You can only sell a leather wallet or a travel backpack to the same customer so many times.

Profitable offers are hard because they have to be the perfect marriage of three things:

1. Something that people are willing to pay really good money for.

2. Something that they need with a decent sense of urgency.

3. Something that you can deliver while actually meeting your lifestyle goals (and trust me, 20+ recurring clients is NOT how you do that.)

I've designed offers that rock. Offers that sell, that are insanely high profit, that turn entire companies around or double annual profits.

I've also designed offers that caused multiple refund requests, that burned me out, and even a few that killed my business (see the 20+ clients reference above.)

If you want to be truly successful, you need to consistently do two things:

1. Build an audience (of any size, as long as they buy things from you)
2. Create a profitable offer and sell it to your audience repeatedly, because recurring customers are cheaper than new ones (and typically happier, too.)

While some people get away with having one signature program or offer for their entire career (maybe Marie Forleo?), most of us just can't do it that way.

We grow and evolve and learn, so we have more to offer.

We change our perspectives, so we have new things to share.

Our audience matures with us, and needs new things.

The most successful entrepreneurs I've watched in my career are the people who continually add new offers to their business in response to their actual market needs. One and done doesn't cut it.

The good news is, I've developed a process to research, design, test, and promote new products and offers that almost guarantees you'll be able to do that consistently - with less effort than trying to build your flagship course or build a roster of coaching clients at $199/mo just to keep the lights on.

If you're interested in always having something profitable to sell, in adding $100k+ to your business in the next year, if you want to grow faster by having more to offer your ideal customers, then we should talk.
Who am I?
I help creative personal and product brands to create, test, and sell profitable products.

Using principles of copywriting and persuasion, user experience research and design, and almost two decades of advisory to startups on MY four P's - product, profit, promotion, and positioning - I've helped over 100 entrepreneurs and organizations to design profitable offers.

Now I do it for coaches, consultants, freelancers, artisans, and craftspeople to help them grow.

I currently live in a tiny home (425 sqft) with my partner and three children, traveling throughout North America as digital nomads. In my spare time, I enjoy photography, hiking, backpacking, paddleboarding, fibre arts, making (and failing), and ambitiously buying too many books to read in an entire lifetime.
"If you're considering converting your product idea into a successful business, then call Cheryl first." - Brad Tuyn
Work with me.
Looking to make more money without having to spend millions on ads, constantly acquiring new customers?

I work with entrepreneurs like you to consistently research, design, test, and scale profitable offers to your existing audience, while giving you content that helps you grow.

Before we can work together, I ask every business to undergo a no-cost evaluation to see if you're ready to start developing new offers. During this evaluation, I'll learn more about your business, we'll discuss your future plans and past achievements, and determine if working together is the next right step for you.
Let's talk >>>
View all of my latest projects, from personal brand websites to ecommerce, UX/UI, photography, and beyond.
Cheryl Woodhouse on Behance
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Cultus Lake Stn Main
Cultus Lake, BC V2R 5H6

p. 604.316.3138